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COMPLETED Live, Laugh, Love
Orior Vuple PLAYED BY: Gizmo 11-15-2016, 07:51 PM
Species Class Sex
Ubeli Mage Female
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4 40inches 80lbs
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439 22:- View
Live, Laugh, Love
It was dark, like home. Well not exactly. It smelled different and it wasn't nearly as quiet. Life seemed to be so full of sound. Sounds she had been deprived of as a pup. Sounds she liked to explore now. Sleep evaded her. So on this particular night she found herself sitting beneath the shadows of a large oak tree. The moon shown through the thick canopy above but little light broke through the thick wall of branches. 
Nights like these gave her time to think on things a bit. She now always kept a steady supply of archebark with her, or at least she made note of the trees that had it so she could chew it. The archebark cleared her head and made her phantom dissipate. She had found some on the trip here and occasionally bent down to chew the bark that rested between her paws. 
 Things seemed to be getting better. Adjusting to a populated world wasn't easy but it was doable. She still felt more comfortable on her own to some extent. It wasn't that she didn't like the other wolves she had met it was that she had been on her own all her life and now she found herself always near someone else. It wasn't a bad thing it was just different. 
Her thoughts drifted to some of the wolves she had met, a girlish smile crept across her maw as she thought of Shinshu. He was so perplexing, yet he seemed so kind. She wondered if he had grown up similar to herself, as he had seemed to understand her loneliness. 
She sat, bathing in the shadows with just her thoughts to keep her company.
Shout out to Vanilla for the Awesome Table! <3
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<center> Still I rise </center>
Orior Shinshu PLAYED BY: Eden 11-15-2016, 08:18 PM
Protector of the Lake
Species Class Sex
Lerk Warrior Male
Age Height Weight
7 Years (Immortal) 41 inches 205
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501 443:- View
RE: Live, Laugh, Love
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Shinshu looked up to the bright moon, on the borders of the Dark Woods. He had left his post and took a long walk for good reason. He had remained at the Orior lake for weeks and hadn't talked to anywolf for the same amount of time. He'd ceased his search for his brother, and was now searching for a reason to carry on. He lifted his blue muzzle to the sky and whispered to the World Spirit. "I'm lost. I need guidance." A tear rolled into his fur and he shivered. "Shelter." he thought. He was a bulky wolf and the cold didn't bother him that much, but the shiver he felt... perhaps a sign. He puffed up his chest and trotted under the trees with a huge sigh. "Give me a sign. Anything. What do I do?" he asked, eyes closed momentarily for the short prayer.</td>
Consider the worm, which toils in the soil to raise the grass for the deer and rabbits to eat.

Consider its value.
The mouse which gathers up grain, the deer who cut paths through the forests.
To whom does the earth belong but everyone yet no one,
Would any merciful god give it over to one kind life at the expense of others,
Who think, learn, and grow?

To those that destroy?

To those that create?

To those that presume to be above such life?

That's no god I'd follow.
That's not the god I follow.
That's not the World Spirit's way.

- Delirio Selenos
Orior Vuple PLAYED BY: Gizmo 11-15-2016, 08:30 PM
Species Class Sex
Ubeli Mage Female
Age Height Weight
4 40inches 80lbs
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439 22:- View
RE: Live, Laugh, Love
Vuple's sensitive ears perked as a new sound reached her ears. Something large was headed in her direction. Whatever it was didn't seem clumsy like the smaller animals such as squirrels and rabbits. The fur along her back tingled and began to stand on end. She stood, though she didn't know what she would do if it was in fact an enemy, she still wanted to be ready. The archebark had taken it's effect and it crossed her mind that it might be a good thing due to its pain numbing nature.
Shout out to Vanilla for the Awesome Table! <3
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<center> Still I rise </center>
Orior Shinshu PLAYED BY: Eden 11-16-2016, 10:39 AM
Protector of the Lake
Species Class Sex
Lerk Warrior Male
Age Height Weight
7 Years (Immortal) 41 inches 205
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501 443:- View
RE: Live, Laugh, Love
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<td class = "ShinshuStyle ShinshuPostingArea" colspan="2">Being a typical Lerkrat, Shinshu's sense of smell was extremely strong. Eyes too, but it was his nose that often "saw" before his eyes did. He stopped crunching through the icy forest debris as he immediately recognised the scent, a flowery yet leathery scent, similar to a red plant the shaman used for wound cleansing back home. "Vuple." he barked lowly. It was less question than statement. He knew she was there. "A wolf with the scent of healing. You're asking me to heal her, or is her destiny to heal others?" he asked the World Spirit in silence, knowing he'd have to find out for himself rather than the sky giving him the answer. That would be too easy. He crunched his way towards the scent slowly.</td>
Consider the worm, which toils in the soil to raise the grass for the deer and rabbits to eat.

Consider its value.
The mouse which gathers up grain, the deer who cut paths through the forests.
To whom does the earth belong but everyone yet no one,
Would any merciful god give it over to one kind life at the expense of others,
Who think, learn, and grow?

To those that destroy?

To those that create?

To those that presume to be above such life?

That's no god I'd follow.
That's not the god I follow.
That's not the World Spirit's way.

- Delirio Selenos
Orior Vuple PLAYED BY: Gizmo 11-16-2016, 01:48 PM
Species Class Sex
Ubeli Mage Female
Age Height Weight
4 40inches 80lbs
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439 22:- View
RE: Live, Laugh, Love
Her ears twitched as she heard someone or something approach, it was only as the wind changed and she was able to recognize the approaching stranger. Shinshu. Though she had only met him once she was still able to recognize him. Slowly she allowed her bristled fur to relax and smooth down once more. This was odd for her, after all she had no idea if he was a threat or not, she had only met him the once. Visions of the look in his eyes danced before her and she was reminded of his kindness. Now how could a wolf like that be a threat? Now she could hear him crunching through the underbrush. It was almost spring though Vuple had no idea about seasons, and so the snow was almost gone. She sat under the oak tree, waiting for him and knowing it wouldn't be much longer.
Shout out to Vanilla for the Awesome Table! <3
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<center> Still I rise </center>
Orior Shinshu PLAYED BY: Eden 11-16-2016, 05:39 PM
Protector of the Lake
Species Class Sex
Lerk Warrior Male
Age Height Weight
7 Years (Immortal) 41 inches 205
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501 443:- View
RE: Live, Laugh, Love
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<td class = "ShinshuStyle ShinshuPostingArea" colspan="2">He sniffed his way towards the Ubeli female, and soon his eyes could lead the way. He approached her gingerly, just in case. "Hey, remember me?" he asked, not knowing where her mind was. He dipped his head to her. "How have you been?" he questioned.</td>
Consider the worm, which toils in the soil to raise the grass for the deer and rabbits to eat.

Consider its value.
The mouse which gathers up grain, the deer who cut paths through the forests.
To whom does the earth belong but everyone yet no one,
Would any merciful god give it over to one kind life at the expense of others,
Who think, learn, and grow?

To those that destroy?

To those that create?

To those that presume to be above such life?

That's no god I'd follow.
That's not the god I follow.
That's not the World Spirit's way.

- Delirio Selenos
Orior Vuple PLAYED BY: Gizmo 11-16-2016, 05:49 PM
Species Class Sex
Ubeli Mage Female
Age Height Weight
4 40inches 80lbs
Posts Crowns Items
439 22:- View
RE: Live, Laugh, Love
Vuple raised an eyebrow at his question. With the archebark in her system her mind was much clearer and she knew what he meant by it. Deciding to play a little she looked up a bit, as if thinking. <b> "Hmm...let me must be...hmm..."</b> she giggles and ruins her own joke, <b> "Of course I remember you silly, You are one of the first wolves I met here in this new world. And the first to show me kindness."</b> Her last words were a bit softer, and lacked the flatness usually present in her voice. <b> "I am well, I find that more wolves are nice to me when I chew on this stuff. I think you called it Archebark. It makes him go away for a while. I guess no one likes him."</b> she glanced around, then asked, <b>" Why are you out here so late?"</b>
Shout out to Vanilla for the Awesome Table! <3
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<center> Still I rise </center>
Orior Shinshu PLAYED BY: Eden 11-16-2016, 09:45 PM
Protector of the Lake
Species Class Sex
Lerk Warrior Male
Age Height Weight
7 Years (Immortal) 41 inches 205
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501 443:- View
RE: Live, Laugh, Love
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<td class = "ShinshuStyle ShinshuPostingArea" colspan="2">Shinshu blinked at her giggle, then hesitantly returned a lopsided grin. She seemed a little happier than he remembered and he didn't expect it at all. "I may not be highly trained in healing, but I know Achebark is the go to medicine for a lot of things. I'm glad it has helped you." he stated. "I mean no offense, but his presence makes you come across as..." he paused, thinking on the word. "Strange." he stated, quite bluntly. He didn't want to hide the truth from her. "I don't mean to pry, but do you like him?" he asked, quite curious. He was then posed with a question of hers, fair enough. "I often walk to clear my mind and to think. Only this time I've been in need of more of a long distance." he said. "I've been walking since mid day." ... "Why are you here?" he signed to the other.</td>
Consider the worm, which toils in the soil to raise the grass for the deer and rabbits to eat.

Consider its value.
The mouse which gathers up grain, the deer who cut paths through the forests.
To whom does the earth belong but everyone yet no one,
Would any merciful god give it over to one kind life at the expense of others,
Who think, learn, and grow?

To those that destroy?

To those that create?

To those that presume to be above such life?

That's no god I'd follow.
That's not the god I follow.
That's not the World Spirit's way.

- Delirio Selenos
Orior Vuple PLAYED BY: Gizmo 11-17-2016, 04:06 AM
Species Class Sex
Ubeli Mage Female
Age Height Weight
4 40inches 80lbs
Posts Crowns Items
439 22:- View
RE: Live, Laugh, Love
She listened to him, something about his voice calmed her. He seemed like the rest with his opinion about her phantom friend. The question of if she liked him had never crossed her mind. Once again she found herself pondering the things of life, as she had the day she met Turok. <b>"Well"</b> she barked eventually, <b>"He has been around since I was small. He was the only one for so long, I never realized he was anything <i>strange</i>"</b> she barked stressing the word he had chosen, <b>"until I came here. He isn't that bad once you get to know him, he is just really protective. He keeps me safe. I guess I like him alright, until he gets angry. He isn't really nice when he is angry."</b>
It seemed there was something on his mind, something that weighed heavily on him. <b>"Is your head really full?"</b> she asked rather innocently. It seemed odd that his head could be so full that it took all day to empty it but she guessed maybe his head was bigger than hers.
<b>"I like it here, it's dark like home. I guess with so much new stuff, and new sounds, new wolves it's nice to have something that reminds me of home.Even though home wasn't all that great."</b>
Shout out to Vanilla for the Awesome Table! <3
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<center> Still I rise </center>
Orior Shinshu PLAYED BY: Eden 11-17-2016, 08:25 AM
Protector of the Lake
Species Class Sex
Lerk Warrior Male
Age Height Weight
7 Years (Immortal) 41 inches 205
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501 443:- View
RE: Live, Laugh, Love
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<td class = "ShinshuStyle ShinshuPostingArea" colspan="2">"I understand." he signed calmly. "Nobody is nice when they're angry." he told her and dipped his head in a small apology. He was almost afraid to ask anything else that would offend the seemingly fragile female. Another question popped out of the other's mouth and his paw raised. He was unsure of what to say. "Y-yes." he finally stuttered. "I think too much." he stated and put his paw down.

Shinshu looked around at the surrounding trees and the moon. The brightest of moons wouldn't get through the thick canopy above, but he saw it peeking through a little. The word home rang through his head like a bell struck right next to his ear. "Home..." he whispered, then, after a pause he told her. "You know, I was brought here by a portal too, a little over six seasons ago. Oh, I always loved the dark, but where I come from it's nearly always day. Night is a precious gem where I'm from."</td>
Consider the worm, which toils in the soil to raise the grass for the deer and rabbits to eat.

Consider its value.
The mouse which gathers up grain, the deer who cut paths through the forests.
To whom does the earth belong but everyone yet no one,
Would any merciful god give it over to one kind life at the expense of others,
Who think, learn, and grow?

To those that destroy?

To those that create?

To those that presume to be above such life?

That's no god I'd follow.
That's not the god I follow.
That's not the World Spirit's way.

- Delirio Selenos

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